The Better Planner™ is a personal planner designed to help you map out all the different aspects of success and personal growth on your way to better.
The foundation of the Better Planner™ is the practice of defining and reaching your personal vision. The other principles for growth all integrate with and flow out of this essential step. As you develop and record the insights you receive from God and His design for your life, the Better Planner™ will lead you through a step-by-step process to become better.
Better Mini-Course + Tutorial
This free mini-course will guide you through how to use Better Planner™ . The course takes about 30 minutes to complete and you can stop and start at your own pace.

Personal Vision
The foundation of the Better Planner™ is the practice of defining and reaching your Personal Vision. The other principles for growth all integrate with and flow out of this essential first step. You will develop your Personal Vision by defining your priorities, setting smart goals, and mapping your relationships.
Ideal Week
By simply planning your week before it even begins, you will get closer to your ideal week. You will be able to more easily put God first, schedule your priorities and make time for relationships when looking ahead.
Daily Audit
Make a plan for your week and then in 15 minute increments audit your day and see how you did! Be honest. You will be shocked at first but over time with discipline, your ideal week will begin to look like your regular week.
Bible Study + Prayer
Use the Bible reading tracker as you start a Bible reading plan. Let He Word transform you from the inside out this quarter.
We can also use scripture in our prayers. This centers our heart on God and honors Him because we are taking Him at His word. Prayer isn’t supposed to be therapeutic but accomplishes the will of God on earth.
Quarterly Review
At the end of each quarterly, you have the opportunity to take a moment to review what you accomplished and learn from mistakes made. This is helpful as you begin your Better Planner™ for the next quarter and set new goals.