Stephen Martin
Church Leadership Coach

Stephen has been in ministry, serving the local church for more than twenty years. Born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Stephen began serving in ministry as a teenager, and then as an intern at his hometown church, Church On The Move. Stephen earned a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from Lindenwood University in Saint Louis, Missouri. He is also certified in the DISC Personality Profile and The Big 5 Personality Traits model. Stephen is a member of the International Christian Coaching Institute and is certified in the Biblical Coaching Model.

Stephen is passionate about serving and resourcing the local church—specifically church leaders. In 2009, he started One Church Resource, a global, online, sharing network for pastors, church leaders, and creatives. This network has now become CHURCH SHERPA.

In 2013, Stephen and his family moved to Texas and planted Vintage Church just outside of Fort Hood, the largest military base in the United States. Today, Vintage Church is a multi-site church of thousands and continues to make a significant impact in the Central Texas region.